Niranjan, 50, who was also known as Raja Kolandar, hailed from Allahabad. He had even kept skulls of humans whom he had murdered. He kept them in his house and the police were stunned when they recovered them.
The murder of a journalist Dhirendra Singh brought police closer to him. After his arrest, the police found that he ate certain parts of the human bodies. As far as brain was concerned, he would boil it and then consume it.
The monster was described in Hindi media as 'Nar Pishach' or 'Vampire Man'. A petty criminal, he began from small-time thefts and later graduated to become a history sheeter. Then he began committing murders as well.
Often he called people whom he befriended to his farmhouse. Dhirendra was killed in a similar fashion. After the murders, he would also keep the skulls of the victims as per their castes. The manner in which he killed people was extremely brutal.
In his diary, he kept records of his acts. This helped police in investigation. The journalist Dhirendra was killed because Niranjan suspected that the journo had known the truth and would write a report exposing his horrific acts.
But the fourteenth murder proved his last. When police investigated the journalist's murder, they reached the house of a small time politician and panchayat member Phoolan Devi (not the famous dacoit). It was at her house the police found documents that revealed the truth.
Phoolan was Ram Niranjan's wife. Also called 'Aadamkhor' or Maneater, he was given life imprisonment by an Allahabad court. Most the 14 persons were murdered between 1998 and 2000. The trial continued for long and after 12 years, the man accused of cannibalism was convicted and sentenced to jail for life. His brother-in-law Bachh Raj was also held guilty and sent to jail.
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